Going in the wrong direction

September 7, 2009

I weighed myself yesterday and today...I'm up about 1.5 pounds. I truly believe it's due to my lack of proper meal planning on Saturday. I ate all healthy food & stayed within my calories, but holy shit...or actually no shit. I ate 52 grams of fiber. I fear I won't be able to poop for a month. My crap will turn to a brick. I'm trying to drink LOTS more water.

Hopefully tonight I will dump a load and lose 5 pounds by my GAG weigh in tomorrow. Tonight my son & I are going to the track to run the C25K. Running always makes me have "the" urge. Keeping my fingers crossed.
8 Responses

  1. Shelly Says:

    I know what you mean I haven't been able to go all week!
    Hoping to go tonight!LOL

  2. Laurie Says:

    Hope you come back from your run a little lighter. ;-)

  3. Motonomore Says:

    Aw, I'm sorry...hope everything gets going by tomorrow. lol

  4. Katie J ♥ Says:

    Been there! Drinking water is a good idea. Coffee seems to give me the urge too.

  5. 266 Says:

    Right there with ya!

  6. Unknown Says:

    I'm forever constipated...but this week has been pretty good eating more salads and adding fruit to them too... Good Luck with your weigh-in today! Go TEAM CUPID!

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